A Couple Gave Birth To Beautiful Twins, See Where They Are Now
Jaqi and her husband Kevin Clements delivered their twins earlier than expected, but they were born healthy and beautiful. The Clements family welcomed twins Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements in 2010, and as with any parents to newborns, their life would end up drastically changing. The young girls have an unparalleled beauty about them and with the help of their mother, have already become professional models. Here are the images of the Clements twins that captivated the internet.
The Twins’ Early Arrival
On July 7, 2010, Jaqi Clements had a surprise visit from her newborn babies Ava Marie and Leah Rose. The twins came four and a half weeks early, but as time went on, Jaqi understood why.
“They came four and a half weeks early but knowing their personalities now it makes total sense that they would show up early, unannounced, and ready to take on anything,” Jaqi said.
Stars From The Start
After the twins were born, it didn’t take long for family and strangers to notice how striking their appearances are. There’s a reason they always get compliments.
Jaqi Clements/Facebook
Since birth, their natural beauty is undeniable, their skin is smooth, their hair keeps its silky texture, and their utterly symmetrical faces make them look like their straight from a magazine.
What exactly were the strangers saying?
Everyone Said The Same Thing: They Should Be Models!
With kids this adorable, it’s hard for people not to compliment them. From the time the twins were born, Jaqi continually heard the same statement.
Jaqi Clements/Facebook
Jaqi says strangers would always mention one thing: “Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling,” And so she decided to take a shot at starting the girls’ modeling careers.
Modeling Was Too Much To Juggle With Three Kids
After being pushed to get the twins involved in modeling, Jaqi finally did it. Once the kids reached six months, they were signed up with an agency in Los Angeles.
Jaqi already had a two-year-old son to take care of so this was added pressure to her parenting regime. “It was hard enough to get out of the door most days so my attempt back then was short lived and I decided it just wasn’t the time,” Jaqi said. The first attempt only lasted three months.
Leading A Normal Life
Helping guide her children through a life of modeling is enticing, but it wasn’t the right decision at the time. Jaqi felt bringing up the twins alongside their peers would be the right thing to do. There were no regrets in pulling the children out of modeling. As time went on, things slowly started to change. Can you guess what happened next?
What Do The Girls Want?
While her busy schedule as a mom of three pulled her away from the idea of modeling, the twins weren’t ready to let it go. Their three months of modeling were over, but Jaqi thought of an important factor, the twins’ dreams.
Aiming to keep the children happy, Jaqi didn’t want to pressure them into something they didn’t want to do. So she made sure that Ava and Leah had a say.
Waiting For The Right Moment
The only issue with Jaqi’s idea of asking the girls is the Ava and Leah were still toddlers. They weren’t old enough to help make their own decisions or clearly voice their opinions.
Do you agree they are lovely and gifted by Nature and God’s wisdom
Because the only language the kids spoke were tears, Jaqi and her husband were stumped. They thought hard about how and when it was the right time to allow the twins to decide on their own.
Lucky Number Seven
One thing that needs to be noted is how much Jaqi believes in signs. She says seven is her lucky number, so it’s more than a coincidence that the twins were born on 7/7.
Michael Sousa/Pinterest
The girl’s seventh birthday was approaching. The thought of them turning seven on July 7, 2017, set Jaqi’s brain ablaze.
Giving The Girls The Idea
By the time Ava and Leah grew to be seven, they had developed personalities of their own. They were involved in several extracurricular activities like dance and swim.
Jaqi Clements/theclementstwins
On their birthday, Jaqi said, “I presented my idea to the girls that, if they were up for it, in addition to their dance classes and swim team practices they had every week, they could give modeling a try.”
How do you think the girls responded?
Ready For Action
Jaqi says the girls love to perform for anybody and everybody. Friends, neighbors, and strangers are welcomed audiences for Ava and Leah. Jaqi claims she doesn’t know where they got this trait from to perform.
They were born models, were they?
Jaqi said, “I was not surprised at all when they started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin!” The twins were all in for modeling.
And The Modeling Kicks Off Again
Now that the kids were older and excited about modeling, the process would most likely go much smoother. Luckily, Jaqi’s neighbor had recently opened a children’s boutique. She needed some models to help market the new business.
As the time goes by they get prettier and prettier but the neurotic demands of their environment heavier and heavier
The twins got the job. “Plus, I needed some new photos if I was going to get them an agent so I figured this would be a great opportunity for all of us,” Jaqi said.
Starting Off Slow
The girls were still young. Having them put on loads of makeup and wear a collection of pretty clothes could be detrimental to their development, so Jaqi took things slow.
Jaqi took matters into her own hands at the beginning. “I dug out my 10-year-old Nikon camera from a bin in the garage, put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush, and out we went to take some pictures,” said Jaqi.
Getting Back With An Agency
Now that the family was all aboard the modeling train, Jaqi had to get the girls back with an agent. She worried that it would be hard to find one since six years went by after the first attempt.
“I still had a handful of contacts, so I decided to start there,” she said. “To my surprise, I heard back from almost every single one asking to set up a time to meet the girls.” They ended up signing with two agencies but trouble brewed behind the scenes.
The Double Agency Dilemma
Jaqi assumed having two agencies representing her daughters meant more opportunity and exposure for them. Everything was going fine until one of the agencies gave her a call.
“Hi, we wanted to let you know we were able to get the girls straight through to a callback for a Barbie Audition tomorrow,” the agent told Jaqi. She panicked because the girls had just gone to the same audition with their other agent. She revealed the truth and matters got fixed in a few hours. (W/Comments:The marketing exploitation had just started).
Social Media Explosion
Jaqi started an Instagram for the girls called @clementstwins in July of 2017. She had no clue what she was doing or if 300,000 followers is a lot. Low and behold, the page started to blow up.
The goal of the Instagram account was to serve as a portfolio for agencies and to gain a fanbase. It ended up becoming all that and then some.
Jaqi’s Instagram Learning Curve
The beauty of the twins was only partly the reason for the success their Instagram account. There were some tactics that Jaqi had to use to help gain all the followers she did. She spilled the beans on a few secrets.
clementstwins/Instagram mother Jaqi in the middle
“Now, a little over five months later, the girls have over 380,000 followers,” she started. “One thing I know for sure if it’s ALL about the pictures… so don’t settle for an average photographer because you want to save a few dollars.” You hear that folks? Take quality pictures.
Job Offers Everywhere
It wasn’t long before everyone learned that the girls had the nature for modeling. Soon after they decided to give modeling a try, they already had six jobs in the span of a week.
Do you believe that Clements’ twins are lucky or emotionally devastated due to their mother’s ambition?
While this might have tired most little girls out they couldn’t get enough of it and wanted to do more.
“They Look Sad”
A comment that the girl’s frequent receive is that they look sad all the time. Some even take this to mean that they’re being forced to model and that they aren’t having fun.
They respond by saying that some photoshoots are supposed to be more solemn then others and that if you ever met them, you’d know that they are far from sad.
1.1 Million Followers
Today the Clements twins have 1.1 million followers on Instagram. Wow. Here’s how their following compares to the most followed women on Instagram. Lady Gaga has 35 million followers, and Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has 28 million.
Vanessa Hudgens has 33 million, and Gigi Hadid has 46 million. In comparison to all these women who are top actresses, models, and artists, the Clements twins are well on their way to becoming two of the most followed females on Instagram.
Have a happy Easter! Source: http://www.giveitlove.com/a-couple-gave-birth-to-beautiful-twins-see-where-they-are-now/51/
2 σχόλια
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