7 Methods of EMF Protection To Help You Heal From Mold Illness
Getting out of the mold and putting proper EMF protection into place are imperative while you’re healing from mold illness. Especially with the introduction of 5G networks, we are being exposed to more and more electric and magnetic fields (EMFs), which happen to help mold mycotoxins multiply exponentially and quickly.
It was midnight and I could not even lay still much less sleep…again…I could not lay on any side even for one second!
You see, my husband is a computer guy. Whenever he had a computer in our home, I would feel so utterly restless. I could not sit, stand, or lay. I needed to walk…maybe even run away.Yet I had no energy or strength to do so. I guess you could call it tired but wired!
Have you ever felt this way around wi-fi or even electricity?
Let’s talk about EMFs, how they play into mold illness and what you can do to protect yourself.
What Are EMFs?
EMFs are Electric and Magnetic Fields. Most people today are enveloped in nonstop exposure to EMFs generated by wi-fi, electricity, cell phones, and much more. God-given magnetic fields such as benefit us, but man-made magnetic fields can give our bodies trouble!
3 Types of EMFs
- Radio Frequency Radiation (RF). RF is the higher frequency radiation created by cell phones, wi-fi, bluetooth, cordless phones, smart meters, radar, and many other technologies.
- Magnetic Fields. Magnetic fields are caused by net current flowing. Wiring errors in homes can produce elevated magnetic fields. Also, electrical current flowing in pipes and cable lines can create magnetic fields in homes. AC to DC transformers create dirty magnetic fields. Metal in bed frames and furniture can become magnetized and cause a disturbance of the earth’s natural magnetic field, which your bodies also depend on.
- Electric Fields. Electric fields develop when building wiring becomes energized. Electric fields generate unwanted voltage in your body.
Most electronics emit some level of EMFs. The most common sources of EMFs in your home include:
- Electrical panels (like your breaker box)
- Cell phones
- Bluetooth and other non-wired headphones
- Cordless phones
- Wi-fi Routers
- Computers
- Refrigerators / Freezers
- Microwaves
- Smart TVs
- Fitness trackers
- Electric blankets
- Hair dryers
You also encounter EMFs outside of your home through:
- Power Lines
- Cell phone towers
- X-rays
- Airplanes
- Ultraviolet waves
How Are EMFs Connected To Mold And Your Health?
Over 2,000 scientific studies outline how EMFs from all sources affect your health. These studies found that low-level radiation (like that emitted by your cell phone) can contribute to a wide variety of health issues and disease states ranging from minor to life threatening.
The World Health Organization has declared EMF Radiation as a Class 2B, possible human carcinogen. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Society of Reproductive Medicine have all issued warnings due to the health hazards associated with EMF Radiation.
The well-known medical practitioner, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, discovered a connection between EMFs and mold. During his research, he found that EMFs could be responsible for driving certain molds to produce high levels of mycotoxins. In other words, electromagnetic fields could be making molds more aggressive and reactive. Dr. Klinghardt showed that 1 inch of black mold on a wall produces 20-40 mycotoxins in 24 hours, but when exposed to EMFs from Wi-Fi, it produces 2000 mycotoxins in the same amount of time.Also, the mold produced more virulent and viscous mycotoxins. I guess we are not the only life forms highly sensitive to EMFs!
Dr. Klinghardt is not the only one revealing the dangers of EMFs and mold.
Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, also says that toxic mold in homes grows much faster under high electromagnetic loads. The artificially-produced electromagnetic waves also suppress production of beneficial microbes, like your good gut bacteria.
These are just two brief examples out of 2,000!
Meanwhile, the amount of cell phone radiation in our air now surpasses what it was just 10 years ago by several million times. Plus anticipate even more wi-fi exposure with the growth of 5G and coming of 6G networks.
Knowing that these EMFs can amplify mold growth in astronomical amounts, it is imperative that you do everything you can to properly remove mold and prevent leaks and future mold.
EMF Protection for Your Home and Body
Now you understand the dangerous connection between EMFs and your mold illness. But also in mold illness, you need to keep your stress levels down and mood up. So have hope knowing you can implement various forms of EMF protection to help keep mold mycotoxins at bay in the case of a water leak, and as you continue to heal.
1 Limit the number of electronics you have plugged in. Turning something off does not stop it from producing EMFs. Completely unplug anything you are not using regularly, and before bed, unplug anything you won’t be using overnight. This includes your wi-fi, which would also help you enforce some time away from your devices. I have even gone to my breaker box and turned off all electricity at night. Generally, even the fridge and freezer do just fine.
2 Get rid of your microwave. This is a big source of radiation. Warm foods on the stovetop or in a toaster oven instead.
3 Choose NOT to have smart devices. The smarter your appliances, thermostat, and front door lock are, the more EMFs they emit from the wi-fi they are connected to.
4 Purchase and install specific EMF protection products in your home or wear them on your body. Do your research but consider brands such as EMF Harmony, EMF Blues, Brimhall, or Somavedic.
5 Do not keep your cell phone next to your bed. If your cell phone is in your bedroom, put it on airplane mode with your wi-fi unplugged and at least 10 feet away from your head.
6 Avoid body contact with your cell phone and laptop. Don’t put your phone in your pocket or your laptop directly on your lap.
7 Use an ethernet cable instead of wi-fi for all your laptops and computers.
In short, the wireless revolution is wreaking havoc on our immune systems. Praise God, knowledge is power when it comes to our health. Understanding the connection between microbial growth and electromagnetic radiation is a critical part of the complex mold illness puzzle.
Now, it’s up to you when it comes to electromagnetic fields and microbial growth. Take charge of your environment by:
1. Eliminating mold from the home
2. Reducing electromagnetic field exposure
When you implement proper EMF protection, you will be able to heal more quickly and smoothly from mold illness. And even after you’re healed, this protection will keep you, your family and home much healthier. Click here to set up a complimentary Breakthrough call to see if we could work together.
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